The following business have either requested or been suggested to be added to our site

They are PENDING your approval to be officially added!

they will be "added" to this site is with your votes by submitting a review! So if you have had great experiences with any of the businesses listed here, please take the time to submit a review for them so they can be added!
Please take the time to give us your feedback about what you think about any of them.
Please only 1 business per review - but review as many as you would like!
3PC Skilled Trade and Labor Services
AAA Pools in Zanesville
Brooklynn Photography
D & L Heating & Cooling
D&D Cleaning Services
Desired Focus Photography
Frosty Paws Dog Grooming & Boarding
Goins Excavating LLC
HQ Construction & Restoration
Jamie Mullins Hardwood Flooring
John Klauder Landcape & Dedign
Judge’s Sanitation
Kidspartysquad SoftPlay Rental
Living In the Light Photography
Mrcbx llc
Number 2 Crew
Pickwick Papers
Pool Scouts
Royal Ace Lawn & Landscape, LLC
Serenity Pools Ohio
Sincerely Shan Cleaning LLC
Splash and Play Pools LLC
Sunshine Pools
Sweep Away Cleaning LLC
The Stanley Team – RE/MAX Consultant Group
Tree Fell-ows and Stumps
The only way to make this list is via the "Add/Remove Business listing" at the top of the site.
Businesses and Residents are allowed to REQUEST a business be added.
BUT… The ONLY way to make it PAST THIS LIST and be ADDED to the website is for the community to vote on it through their reviews! Get enough positive reviews, you’ll be added. If you don’t – or if the reviews aren’t great, the business won’t be added.
Our goal here is to maintain a list of GREAT QUALITY businesses that support Granville residents with PROVEN track records so that residents can rest assured that any of the businesses they may chose from our lists are businesses that they can trust to do a GREAT job for them!
This isn’t a “everyone gets listed” google search…
it’s a “Hey… who do you REALLY recommend who has done great business with you before” list.