Jeremy & Rebecca


My wife Rebecca and I purchased our home in Granville in 2021 because we wanted to enjoy more space and more of a country “small town” feel. We also needed a larger home to accommodate our family (my wife Rebecca and our 3 children) as well as moving my wife’s mother in with us to enjoy her senior years with family. We felt like it would be the ideal atmosphere to raise our 3 children and enjoy life in a community driven town. Simply put, we LOVE Granville and all it has to offer!

Moving here from the city came with a host of challenges in the 20+ year old home that we bought including figuring out how our well system works, learning about our septic system and leach field, replacing HVAC components, etc. We found ourselves routinely reaching out to people in the neighborhood asking for advice on who they trusted for these services. 

Recently, I had the realization that we can’t be the only ones looking for this type of advice. With my background in IT Services (I’m the owner of an IT Services company, UltraTech Network Services, LLC) I felt it would be beneficial to others if I created a website with listings of businesses that are routinely needed by home owners in our community. Sure, you can spend hours googling for this information, or asking advice from neighbors like we did… but wouldn’t it be convenient to have this all listed in a centralized location, showcasing businesses that have been recommended by other homeowners within our community such as yourself. So… I built !