

Businesses & Residential

Common Services Needed For Home & Business

Click on the category for a list of trusted businesses!

Vets, Grooming, Boarding, Treats, etc.

Auto Repair, Detailing, Mechanics, etc.

Farm Fresh Eggs, Honey, Milk, Veggies, Fruits, etc.

Bakery, Restaurants, Food Delivery, etc.

Electrical, Plumbing, Construction, Repairs, Cleaning, Lawn Care, etc.

Daycare, Transportation, Mental Health, Photography, etc. 

Computers, Networks, Security Systems, etc.

ALL of the businesses listed here are here because they were VOTED in by residents who have had GREAT experiences with them!

The ONLY way businesses listed here make it to our list on the website is from the community voting on it through their reviews! The goal here is to give you a list of the “best of the best”. Very similar to asking a friend “hey, who do you recommend for X?”

Our goal here is to maintain a list of GREAT QUALITY businesses that support Granville residents with PROVEN track records so that residents can rest assured that any of the businesses they may chose from our lists are businesses that they can trust to do a GREAT job for them!

This isn’t a “everyone gets listed” google search…

it’s a “Hey… who do you REALLY recommend who has done great business with you before” list.

This is our home in Granville. We ARE residents and LOVE this community!

This site was created by